F-84F “Thunderstreak”
As World War II was coming to a close, the Republic Aviation Corporation was hard at work on a new jet fighter design. This fighter would replace Republic's successful propeller driven P-47 "Thunderbolt". The prototype XP-84 was a straight winged fighter equipped with an Allison J-35 turbojet engine rated at 4,000 pounds thrust. The first flight of the XP-84 was on 28 February 1946.
Wing Span — 33'7"
Length — 43'5"
Height — 15'
Maximum Weight — 25,226 Lbs.
Maximum Speed — 685 M.P.H.
Service Ceiling — 36,150 Ft.
Range — 2,314 Miles (Ferry)
Crew — One
Armament — 6 x .50 Cal. Machine Guns plus 6,000 Lbs. of bombs
Engine —.1 x Wright J-65 engine rated at 7,200 Lbs. thrust
When production ceased in August of 1957, a total of 7,889 F-84s of all models were built. The F-84F "Thunderstreak" was much improved over earlier models and benefited from much of the data gathered in the post war high speed research flights. The "F" model incorporates such aerodynamic improvements as swept back wings, tail and elevator surfaces, a smaller canopy and a redesigned windscreen. With these improvements, the F-84F was introduced in 1949 as a competitor to the North American Aviation F-86 "Sabre'.
The "F" model was first flown in November of 1952, and was not delivered to front line Tactical Air Command squadrons until May of 1954. NATO countries began receiving the F-84F in mid 1955. France, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, West Germany, Turkey and Greece all received the F-84F under the Military Assistance Program. Some "Thun-derstreaks" did see combat while serving with England and France in the 1956 "Suez Crisis': The
F-84F also flew combat missions in the dispute over the island of Cyprus.
In 1964, the "Thunderstreak" was transferred to Air National Guard units while front line squadrons reequipped with the McDonnell-Douglas F-4 "Phantom”. The F-84F was operated by Air National Guard units until final type phase out in 1971.
Our F-84 was obtained by the Museum in March of 1988 from a vocational school in Topeka, KS. The aircraft is in need of a total restoration prior to being displayed
Information derived from, “Travis Heritage Center” by Nick Veronico, copyright Travis AFB Historical Society and Travis AFB Heritage Center Foundation.
This book is available from the Travis Heritage Center gift shop.